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Music for Commercial of Fair 'Photo+Artbook Hamburg'

What We Did

  • Film Score Composition

  • Film Score Production

  • Musical Concept


  • Director: Oliver Lähndorf

  • Production: Nummer31 | Content+Production

  • Film Score: Frank Schreiber


Normally letters form a word, words form a sentence and sentences e.g. a book. In the current commercial of the Hamburg fair “Photo+Artbook Hamburg” it’s exactly the other way round - every letter is formed by books, which then form the word "Book". Just like everything in the fair centers on books: foto- and artist’s books, magazines, zines and exclusive editions.

The fragmentary character of the motif and the coexistence of distinctions is reflected by the music of the commercial. Here the vocal line, which consists of several different vocal fragments, as well as a groovy, funky backing conflate into a homogeneous whole, inviting you to a journey into arts and photography.